
Prof. Fushuan Wen

IEEE Fellow
Zhejiang University, China

Biography: Fushuan Wen has been a full professor and the director of the Institute of Power Economics and Information in Zhejiang University since 1997, and a full professor in Hainan Institute, Zhejiang University since 2022. He is also the director of Sanya Global Energy Institute, and a visiting principal research scientist in Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Society.
He has been undertaking various teaching, research and visiting appointments in National University of Singapore, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Hong Kong, South China University of Technology, University of New South Wales, Queensland University of Technology, Brunei University of Technology, Technical University of Denmark, Nanyang Technological University, Murdoch University, Tallinn University of Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia.
He has published 200+ SCI-indexed papers, 750+ EI-indexed papers, and 850+ Scopus-indexed papers. His publications have been cited for 22000+ times. He has completed and is undertaking more than 200 grants and projects from governmental organizations and industry.
He received several awards both at the national level and provincial level, including the most prestigious National Natural Science Award of China. He has been listed in "Most Cited Chinese Researchers" in 9 consecutive years since 2015 by Elsevier.
He is the editor-in-chief of Energy Conversion and Economics (SPERI, IET, Wiley), the deputy editor-in-chief of Automation of Electric Power Systems, the deputy editor-in-chief of Smart Power & Energy Security, a subject editor in power system economics of IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. He is also on the editorial boards of more than 10 journals.
He was elected to IEEE Fellow for contributions to fault diagnosis in power grids.


Prof. João P. S. Catalão

IEEE Fellow
University of Porto, Portugal

Biography: João P. S. Catalão is an IEEE Fellow. He received the M.Sc. degree from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal, in 2003, and the Ph.D. degree and Habilitation for Full Professor ("Agregação") from the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilha, Portugal, in 2007 and 2013, respectively. Currently, he is a Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Porto, Portugal. He was the Primary Coordinator of the EU-funded FP7 project SiNGULAR, a 5.2-million-euro project involving 11 industry partners. He has authored or coauthored more than 500 journal publications and 400 conference proceedings papers, with an h-index of 90 and more than 30,000 citations (according to Google Scholar), having supervised more than 120 post-docs, Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, and other students with project grants. He was the General Chair and General Co-Chair of SEST 2019 and SEST 2020, respectively, after being the inaugural Technical Chair and co-founder of SEST 2018. He is a Senior Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Furthermore, he is an Associate Editor of nine other IEEE Transactions/Journals. He was an IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Fellows Committee Member in 2022 and 2023. He was recognized as one of the Outstanding Associate Editors 2020 of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, and one of the Outstanding Associate Editors 2021 of the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. He has multiple Highly Cited Papers in Web of Science. He has won 5 Best Paper Awards at IEEE Conferences. Furthermore, he was the recipient of the 2017-2022 (for the sixth consecutive year) FEUP Scientific Recognition Diplomas. His research interests include power system operations and planning, power system economics and electricity markets, distributed renewable generation, demand response, smart grid, and multi-energy carriers.


Prof. Dr. Hossam A. Gabbar

Fellow IET (FIET), Distinguished Lecturer IEEE NPSS, Director of Smart Energy Systems Lab
Ontario Tech University, Canada

Biography: Dr. Gabbar is a full Professor in the Department of Energy and Nuclear Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, at Ontario Tech University (UOIT), where he has established the Energy Safety and Control Lab (ESCL), Smart Energy Systems Lab, and Advanced Plasma Engineering Lab. He is the recipient of the Senior Research Excellence Aware for 2016, UOIT. He is recognized among the top 2% of worldwide scientists with high citation in the area of energy. He Fellow IET (FIET) and Distinguished Lecturer – IEEE NPSS on Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems and Plasma-based Waste-to-Energy. He is leading national and international research in the areas of smart energy grids, energy safety and control systems, and waste-to-energy using advanced plasma technologies. Dr. Gabbar obtained his B.Sc. degree in 1988 with first class of honor from the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University (Egypt). In 2001, he obtained his Ph.D. degree from Okayama University (Japan). From 2001 till 2004, he joined Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), as a research associate. From 2004 till 2008, he joined Okayama University (Japan) as an Associate Professor, in the Division of Industrial Innovation Sciences. From 2007 till 2008, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto. He also worked as process control, safety, and automation specialist in energy and oil & gas industries. Dr. Gabbar has more than 290 publications, including patents, books / chapters, journal and conference papers.
Dr. Hossam Gaber has been collaborating with Japan and Indonesia to promote nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems, where he was invited to the panel discussions in Indonesia as part of IAEA and was the representative of Canada in IAEA to develop the roadmap of nuclear-renewable hybrid energy system deployments with different energy scenarios based on regional resources and requirements. Dr. Gaber developed novel integrated hybrid energy system simulator to synthesize and optimize different nuclear-renewable scenarios and evaluate different nuclear power plant and SMR technologies based on energy load profiles and local resources. Dr. Gaber prepared nuclear deployment strategies and training programs, and explored in different countries including Canada, USA, Indonesia, UK, Norway, South Africa, Brazil, Egypt, UAE, and Hungary. Dr. Gaber has presented his scholarly research in Wisconsin, Budapest, Tokyo, Cairo, Jakarta, and other cities around the world. Dr. Gaber is also leading national research related to radioactive waste for SMR deployment as part of University Network of Nuclear Engineering (UNENE), Canadian National Laboratory (CNL), Ontario Power Generation (OPG), and NSERC. His research led to patents and products in the market with industrial applications and projects.